Rio Creek Feed Mill offers custom application for fertilizer as well as chemical.  We use our Case Spreader Truck or Rogator with row crop or floater tires to apply fertilizer and our Hagie sprayers, Rogator and pick-up truck sprayer to apply chemical.  Rio Creek Feed Mill employs several custom fertilizer and chemical applicators who work long hours during the busy season to meet the needs of our customers.




Custom Y Dropping Liquid Nitrogen is a new service we began providing in 2019 with our Hagie applicator. Our Hagie is equipped with all-wheel steer for minimal crop disturbance, on headlands. The booms extend to a 60-foot swath and covers 24 rows at a time. 
This service is a great option for placing liquid nitrogen alongside the corn stalks, under the leaves, for optimal uptake into the plant! This service also allows for later application, up to 10-foot corn (VT or tassel stage). The corn needs to be at least knee height, for Y Dropping to be most effective and ideal placement for the hoses. Y dropping will be extremely helpful in 2019, as we have seen unprecedented losses of Nitrogen with the early season cool and saturated soils.

Call 920-837-2226, or stop into Rio Creek, to talk to one of our Agronomists to see if this new service option will work on your fields!


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