Rio Creek Feed Mill offers fertilizer services such as custom fertilizer blending, bagged fertilizer, fertilizer spreaders for rent, bulk fertilizer delivery, liquid fertilizer, etc. Another option we offer to our customers is custom fertilizer spreading, which we do with our Case spreader truck or Rogator spreader truck. We also have a Rogator with high clearance narrow tires for row crop application.
The picture on the left hand side of the page shows our new fertilizer shed. This facility was built in the winter of 2013 and allows us to mix for customers in any weather condition.
 We installed a new fertilizer mixer in Luxemburg and built an enclosed shed around it (pictured above)
 Our fertilizer bay and mixer in Rio Creek gets a work out during the busy season
 We sold some of our used spreaders and purchase a few new ones this year to try and serve our customers as timely as possible during the spring rush
 Filling an airplane for an early spring aerial fertilizer application
 Filling our bulk fertilizer bin